a question,  that took our family in one exciting journey

The idea of linen leaf rugs came up in preparation time for our wedding. 

Family is one great God’s idea. The greatest value of our family is God, so we saw a wedding not just as a happy day, but as something deeper. The first family - Adam and Eve lived in Eden Garden. That’s why our wedding decoration was created in the atmosphere of the Garden of Eden. During preparation process a question arose – “What beautiful rug can we put under the knees at the prayer time?” 

In one picture in the Internet we saw a leaf form rug that harmoniously combined with the idea of decor. We liked it very much and decided to sew it ourselves. While sewing process, from time to time such a joke broke out – “now we can start your own business!” 

joke after joke

joke after joke and we did not noticed how we began to dream that our family would have our own business. Dreams quickly turned into a small plan and financial investment. We decided to give it a try. We prayed and went on this exciting journey, hoping that God will bless and everything will happen!

how would tree leaves look like if the Garden of Eden were in Latvia?

The name of our company came up very naturally and quickly. We took the idea for the Garden of Eden decor from our wedding. The date of our wedding - November 18 (Latvia's Independence Day) - firstly motivated us to think about the residents of Latvia. This is how the idea arose to sew the leaves of Latvian trees. As a result, a very cool name appeared - "Latvian Eden". My husband said: "If the Garden of Eden were in Latvia, the leaves of the trees would look exactly like this!" 

"Family - is one great idea of God. Through the Latvian Eden we have got to know each other better. It was so nice to see how fast my husband managed to learn to sew!" - Svetlana

"Latvian Eden is a matter of our heart, not an opportunity to earn big money. With part of what we earn, we try to support people who serve God" - Konstantin

From the very birth, our little Bella became a tester of Latvian Eden rugs. For the first six months, she spent most of the day on the Linden rug, where she learned to lean, turn and just sleep and watch the big world.

Linen rug is very nice  element of a photo shoot. 

We don't miss the opportunity to go out in the fresh air and enjoy a family picnic with a rug where Bella can sit and sleep safely.